75 Days To Your Best Performance
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A lack of mental and physical health to the presence of full mental and physical health
A lack of confidence and competence to an abundance of competence and confidence
A program of disempowerment to a program of empowerment
A fear-based perspective to a flourishing perspective
A striving mindset to a strengths-based mindset
Pain to purpose, performance and profit
From languishing to flourishing
High Performance is for everyone.
And, High Performance is not for everyone.
In other words, absolutely ANY ONE can step into High Performance if they want to and if they learn the secrets and strategies.
But, High Performance is NOT for everyone, because some people are satisfied with average.
Are you ready to get off the bench and step into your highest and best performance?
Do you know that there is more waiting for you?
Are you ready to stop making excuses and start stepping into destiny, both personally and professionally?
Do you know that the best solution is not a quick fix or instant, but a process of daily improvement?
Is now YOUR time to step OUT of average and apathy, and INTO passion, purpose, and high performance?
Are you ready for a step-by-step plan that anyone can follow and weave into their daily routine?
According to many psychologists and researchers, “flourishing” is the peak of well-being: You have a strong sense of meaning, mastery and mattering to others. You also have a Growth Mindset and the capacity to learn and development. Depression, on the other hand, is the valley of ill-being: You feel despondent, drained and worthless.
High Performance and Flourishing are similar outcomes in our lives when we focus on three things: Our Body, Mind, and Spirit, or our Mindset and our sense of Mastery, Mattering, and Meaning.
Chad Atmosfera | Cynthia Chau-Hoang | Gabrielle Manski | Rosalyn Fung | Diane Stevenson | Teresa Potestio | Abe Brown | Kirsten Williams | Lincoln Williams